Worship Team
This team of instrumentalists and vocalists leads our congregation in worship songs and celebration during our Sunday morning gatherings.
Contact Leah Klemme, Worship Director
Children's Worship
Following the children's message on Sunday mornings, children ages 3 through grade 5 are are invited to worship in an age-appropriate group for songs and a lesson.
Contact Joan Groenhout
Adult Small Groups
These groups of 8-10 men and women on various days and times to connect with one another, study God's word, pray for one another, and enjoy simple fellowship,
Contact Church Staff
and Leadership
Personal Discipleship
The church staff and leadership are available to meet with you to answer questions about what it means to follow Jesus Christ. Contact us via the staff page to set up an appointment.
Mom's In Prayer
Meeting every Monday evening at 7:00, this prayer group of moms, grandmas, aunts, and all women gather with peace and hope by praying with each other for our children and schools.
Contact Amy Van Wolde
Men's Bible Study
All men are welcome on Tuesday mornings to gather at Russ' Restaurant in Grand Haven at 6:30 a.m. Pastor Art leads this time of learning and fellowship.
Contact Pastor Art Van Wolde
Student Ministries
Students in grades 6-12 meet twice a month during the school year on Sunday evenings from 5-7:00 for dinner and fellowship.
Contact Tim Cacciatore
Boys in grades 3-6 meet the first and third Mondays of each month to make new friends and learn about God’s love through Bible lessons, games, and special projects.
Contact Dan Braak
Worship Technology
This team of volunteers serves to create a unified worship experience through a variety of technical elements including sound, lighting, media, and video streaming.
Contact Leah Klemme, Worship Director
Infant Care
Some parents prefer to place their infants in our staffed Nursery during our Sunday morning worship. Parents of 0-2 years old may also remain in the nursery and still hear the service.
Contact Deanne Brink